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Alfredo LANZARO讲师

时间:[2020-10-20]  来源:




(1) 2018-至今: 特聘讲师, 广州大学系统流变学研究所

(2) 2016-2018: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

(3) 2011-2016: Post-Doctoral Research Associate, the University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

(4) 2007-2011: Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, the University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

(5) 1999-2005: Master of Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, the University of Naples, Italy


(1)Elastic Turbulence

The  flow of complex fluids such as polymer solutions and colloidal  dispersions through micro-fabricated devices gives rise to a variety of  non-Newtonian fluid effects, such as purely elastic instabilities or  even turbulence, which cannot be visualised if the same fluids move  through macroscale flow geometries. In microfluidic flows, complex  fluids experience rates of deformation on the order of 105 s-1 or above,  hence the Weissenberg number Wi, which characterises the strength of  deformation rate, becomes large, while the Reynolds number Re,  characterising flow inertia, is still negligible. The high Wi, low Re  flow regime observed in microscopic flows is relevant for a variety of  applications, including inkjet printing, spraying and enhanced oil  recovery in porous media, and constitutes a robust benchmark for the  validation of advanced constitutive models. We address this fundamental  research topic by means of a fully quantitative approach, including  molecular characterisation, shear and extensional rheometry by means of a  prototypical “Rheo-chip” technology, and particle-image velocimetry  (PIV).

(2)Protein Solutions Interactions and Rheology

Dense  suspensions of monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) are becoming increasingly  popular in threating a large amount of diseases, including respiratory  deficiency, arthritis and various forms of cancer. In order for a  Mab-based drug to be effective, active protein concentrations on the  order of 100 g/L or above must be achieved, which leads to notable  viscosity enhancement. Moreover, many industrial and healthcare  operations involving Mab dispersions (i.e. sub-cutaneous injection,  tangential flow filtration, vial filling) feature inherently high shear  rates (104 s-1 or above), where non-Newtonian flow effects, such as  viscoelasticity and shear thinning, are typically observed.   Understanding the link between the type and strength of the  protein-protein interactions and the rheological behaviour of dense  biopharmaceutical solutions is of paramount importance for industry. We  address such fundamental question by means of a combination of molecular  (static and dynamic light scattering, neutron scattering) and  rheometric techniques (Rheo-chip in steady and oscillatory mode).

(3)Colloidal Molecules in Microfluidics

“Colloidal  molecules” are a class of building blocks characterised by specific and  highly directional interactions, which mimic phenomena typically  occurring at the molecular level. The assembly of colloidal molecules in  more complex structures resembling natural formations (i.e. viral  shells) is highly dependent on a variety of parameters, including  temperature, pH, ionic strength and presence of electric fields. In  order to map out the rich phase behaviour of this novel class of  materials, we employ a microfluidic “phase chip” technology which allows  for fast quantitative screening of the behaviour of colloidal particles  under different field conditions.


European  Horizon 2020: Protein-excipient Interactions and Protein-Protein  Interactions in formulation (PIPPI) - Concentrated Solution Rheology  (hosted at Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, the University of  Manchester, UK)

The  European Research Council (ERC): Colloids with Complex Interactions  (COMPASS) - from model atoms to colloidal recognition and bioinspired  self assembly (hosted at Lund University, Lund, Sweden)


[1] Lanzaro, “Microscopic Flows of Semi-Dilute Polymer Solutions”, Ph.D. thesis, the University of Manchester, 2011.

[2]  Lanzaro and X.-F. Yuan, “Effects of Contraction Ratio on Non-linear  Dynamics of Semi Dilute, Highly Polydisperse PAAm Solutions in  Microfluidics”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 166,  1064-1075, 2011.

[3]  Lanzaro and X.-F. Yuan, “A quantitative analysis of spatial extensional  rate distribution in nonlinear viscoelastic flows”, Journal of  Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 207, 32-41, 2014.

[4] Lanzaro and X.-F. Yuan, “Quantitative characterization of high molecular weight polymer solutions in microfluidic hyperbolic contraction flow”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 18, 819-828, 2014.

[5] Lanzaro, D. Corbett and X.-F. Yuan, “Quantitative characterization of high molecular weight polymer solutions in microfluidic hyperbolic contraction flow”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 242, 57-65, 2017.

[6]  M. Shah, D. Corbett, A. Lanzaro, A. Roche, N. Sibanda, P. Davis, S.  Uddin, C. F. Van der Walle, R. Curtis and A. Pluen, “Micro- and  macro-viscosity relations in high concentration antibody solutions”,  European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 153, 211-221,  2020.

[7]  Lanzaro, A. Roche, N. Sibanda, D. Corbett, P. Davis, M. Shah, J. A.  Pathak, S. Uddin, C. F. van der Walle, X.-F. Yuan, A. Pluen and R.  Curtis, “Cluster Percolation Causes Shear Thinning Behaviour in  Concentrated Solutions of Monoclonal Antibodies”, Molecular  Pharmaceutics, 18, 7, 2669–2682, 2021.

[8]  A Lanzaro, “A Microfluidic Approach to Studying the Injection Flow of  Concentrated Albumin Solutions”, SN Applied Sciences, 3:783, 2021.

[9]  Lanzaro and L. Gentile, “Rheology of Active Fluids”, in “Out-of-Matter  Equilibrium Soft Matter: Active Fluids”, the Royal Society of Chemistry,  2022.

[10]  Lanzaro and X.-F. Yuan, “A Microfluidic Prototype for High-Frequency,  Large Strain Oscillatory Flow Rheometry”, Micromachines, 2022, 13, 256.

[11]  Fan, Y.-Q., Lanzaro, A., and Yuan, X.-F., “Universal concentration  scaling on rheometric properties of polydisperse and high molecular  weight polyacrylamide aqueous solutions”, Chinese Journal of Polymer  Science, 2022. Accepted.

[12]  Lanzaro, “Microscopic flows of aqueous polyacrylamide solutions: a  quantitative study”, Ph.D. Thesis, the University of Manchester, 2011

[13]  Lanzaro and X.-F. Yuan, “Effects of Contraction Ratio on Non-linear  Dynamics of Semi Dilute, Highly Polydisperse PAAm Solutions in  Microfluidics”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 2011

[14]  Lanzaro and X.-F. Yuan, “A quantitative analysis of spatial extensional  rate distribution in nonlinear viscoelastic flows”, Journal of  Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 2014.

[15]  Lanzaro and X.-F. Yuan, “Quantitative characterization of high  molecular weight polymer solutions in microfluidic hyperbolic  contraction flow”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2014.

[16]  Lanzaro, D. Corbett and X.-F. Yuan, “Quantitative characterization of  high molecular weight polymer solutions in microfluidic hyperbolic  contraction flow”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 2017.


Yuan,  Z.-F., Odell, J., Li, Z., Lanzaro, A., Omowunmi, S., Haward, S.,  Yeates, S., Booth, C., and Kamp, A. “Quantitative Characterization of  Complex Fluids in Microfluidics”, AIP conference proceedings, 2008.


December 2020.  “The Effects of Weak Protein-Protein Interactions on Non-Linear  Rheometry of Dense Solutions of Monoclonal Antibodies”, 18th  International Conference on Rheology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (online  event).

August 2019.   “A Quantitative Study on the Effects of Interfacial Viscoelasticity on  Droplet Coalescence Dynamics”, Chinese Congress of Theoretical and  Applied Mechanics (CCTAM), Hangzhou, China.

August 2019.   “Macromolecular Dynamics of High Concentration Protein Solutions in  Microfluidics”, Chinese Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics  (CCTAM), Hangzhou, China.

June 2018.   “Role of Protein-Protein Interactions in Non-Linear Rheometry of Dense  Solutions of Monoclonal Antibodies”, the 2018 Pacific Rim Conference on  Rheology, Jeju, South Korea. Keynote Lecture

April 2017. “A Rheo-Chip Platform for Microfluidic Rheometry of Complex Fluids”, the 26th Nordic Rheology Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

March 2017. “Investigating Injectability of Concentrated Protein Solutions”, CPI Analytical Meeting, Darlington, UK.

October 2015.   “A Syringe-on-Chip Device for Quantitative Injectability Study of  Concentrated Protein Solutions”, the 87th Society of Rheology Meeting,  Baltimore, USA.

August 2012.   “Quantitative Flow Characterisation of Aqueous PAAm Solutions in  Microfluidics”, the 17th International Congress in Rheology, Lisbon,  Portugal.

May 2009.  “Towards a novel design of Microfluidic Rheometer”, the 5th Meeting of the European Society of Rheology, Cardiff, UK.

December 2008.   “Quantitative characterization of complex fluids in highly non-linear  flow regimes”, British Society of Rheology Midwinter Meeting, 2008,  Leeds, UK.


1.  A significant contribution has been given to the work discussed in  Yuan, X.-F., “Rheometry Apparatus”, US Patent, 13/813,933, 2011.

2.  Yuan, X.-F., Yuan, S., Lanzaro, A. and Zhang, S., “A Device for  Efficient Esfoliation of 2D Materials under Low Reynolds Number”,  Chinese Patent Z. L. 2019 2 0423168.1.

