Job title: PDRA Research Associatein Experimental Rheology
Annual Salary: Equivalent to US$34000–US$46000 (or £28000 - £37000)
dependent on relevant research experience
Start/duration: Tenable from 1stJanuary 2018 for up to three years
Probation period: 6 months
Based at: Institute for Systems Rheology (ISR), the Advanced Institute of Engineering Science for Intelligent Manufacturing, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, P. R. China
Responsible to: Professor Gerry Fuller at Stanford University and Professor Xue-Feng Yuan at Guangzhou University
Project Description
The stability of emulsions and foams impacts a wide range of problems in human health and chemical product design. The research will investigate the physical mechanisms controlling film drainage and the ultimate coalescence of drops and bubbles in the presence of rheologically complex fluid-fluid interfaces. This effort will combine experimental observation with computer simulation to elucidate the role of adsorbed amphiphiles and particles in controlling coalescence dynamics. The experimental work will utilize a newly developed “dynamic fluid film interferometer” (DFI) with the capability of directly measuring thin film drainage as droplets and bubbles approach on another. Interfacial shear and dilatational rheology will be utilized to determine the mechanical response of the complex interfaces.
Specific applications can be selected from a range of problems that include oil recovery, food processing, protein stability, and biofilm/cellular interactions. The selection would be determined through communication with applicants.
Key Responsibilities
A successful candidate will conduct experiments using the DFI to understand the molecular and microstructural mechanisms controlling emulsion and/or foam stability. These measurements will be combined with studies of the interfacial and dilatational rheology of the associated fluid interfaces. These measurements will form the basis of simulations designed to model the observed behaviour. You will also be required to assist with the general running of Rheology Laboratory in ISR and the supervision of research students.
A successful candidate should have a PhD or equivalent in chemical engineering, applied physics or analytical science. In-depth knowledge in bulk and interfacial rheometry, rheometric data analysis, rheology of complex fluids and flow characterization techniques are essential. Instrumentation andLabVIEW programming skills, experience in real-time closed-loop control and high-speed data requisition are advantageous. You should be capable of working under your own initiative and with a multidisciplinary research team, presenting your work to our industrial partners and at international conferences, so excellent communication and organizational skills are also required.
Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Gerry Fuller(email: ggf@stanford.edu) or to Prof Xue-Feng Yuan (email: xue-feng.yuan@gzhu.edu.cn).
Closing date: 30 June 2018