
Cooperative Slow Dynamics in Complex Glass-Forming Soft Matter Systems

Data:[2018年05月07日 10:23]  Source:

报告人:张睿博士,现任华南理工大学软物质科学与技术高等研究院特聘研究员。2003年于清华大学数理基础科学班获得学士学位;2006年于加拿大麦克马斯特大学物理系获得硕士学位;2011年于美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC)材料科学与工程系获得博士学位并荣获Racheff-Intel杰出研究奖;2011-2013年和2013-2017年先后在美国西北大学和UIUC从事博士后研究工作。长期从事于发展和应用统计力学理论和计算机模拟技术来研究软物质系统中的玻璃化动力学、自组装现象以及仿生行为。在Phys. Rev. Lett., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Macromolecules, Soft Matter等期刊上发表学术论文共14篇,其中第一/通讯作者论文11篇。


地点:广州大学智能制造工程研究院   系统流变学研究所(计算机实验楼709)

摘要:Glass-forming soft matter systems (e.g., supercooled liquids, polymer plastics, dense colloidal suspensions) are of diverse scientific interest and technological relevance. At the heart of predicting their unique relaxation, diffusion, viscoelastic and rheological properties is a microscopic-level elucidation of the elementary activated hopping process. In this talk I will present my theoretical work in understanding two general types of cooperative activated motion emerged in complex glassy soft materials. First, I will address how coupled translation-rotation dynamics in concentrated nonspherical colloids leads to new types of nonequilibrium kinetic arrest phases. Unusual glass-fluid-gel re-entrancy and multi-step relaxation behaviors will be described, and quantitative comparisons to experiments presented. Second, I will discuss the dynamical cooperation between different components in glass-forming mixtures. I will take penetrant hopping transport as a focused topic to demonstrate the basic theoretical ideas and rich dynamical properties as a consequence of the inter-component cooperation.

上一条:Field Theory of Polymers: Order and Fluctuation

下一条:冲击动载下的非线性热粘弹性 Talk about Nonlinear Thermal visco-elasticity at Impact Loading

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