报告人:苗兵 副教授 (中国科学院大学材料学院)
报告摘要:Order and fluctuation are two main themes in researches of condensed matter and statistical physics. In this talk, I will address the corresponding phenomena in polymers within the framework of continuous field theory. The effects of chain connectivity, interaction range, and confining boundaries, through modifying the fluctuation spectrum of the system, will be stressed. Specific model systems will include polymer solutions/blends, Diblock copolymer melts, polyelectrolyte solutions. After a survey on the first-order OOT and the continuous ODT, we will move to a discussion on the fluctuation-related physics, including the critical Casimir effects in polymer physics.
报告人简介: 苗兵2006年博士毕业于中国科学院化学所高分子物理理论组。2006年5月-2008年9月先后在加拿大圣弗朗西斯泽维尔大学(St. Francis Xavier University)和圭尔夫大学(University of Guelph)物理系做博士后。 2008年10月-2011年2月在德国马普高分子研究所 (Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research)理论组做博士后。2011年2月回国后在中国科学院大学材料学院任副教授至今。研究领域为软物质/高分子物理理论,近年来关注聚电解质物理、涨落诱导相互作用等方向。
上一条:对称嵌段共聚物图样形成的动理学(Kinetics of pattern formation in symmetric diblock copolymer melts)
下一条:Cooperative Slow Dynamics in Complex Glass-Forming Soft Matter Systems