Liu Cao Position: lecturer Degree: doctor Email: caoliu@gzhu.edu.cn Homepage: https://caoliu0909.github.io/ |
Education and Work Experience:
(1) 2018.04-current: Guangzhou University, Advanced Institute of Engineering Science for Intelligent Manufacturing, lecturer
(2) 2015.09-2018.03: Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Materials Processing Engineering, doctor, tutor: Dunming Liao Professor
(3) 2013.09-2015.06: Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Materials Engineering, master, tutor: Dunming Liao Professor
(4) 2009.09-2013.06: Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Material Forming and Control Engineering, bachelor
Research Directions:
(1) Numerical Simulation of Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) Process
As a rapid prototyping technology that has grown tremendously in the last 30 years, additive manufacturing has been increasingly used in industrial production and home entertainment, etc. The entity free-form fabrication technology is hailed as a new technology that will bring about the “third industrial revolution”. However, the current additive manufacturing technology relies heavily on a large number of trial and error tests to determine suitable process parameters, which needs a long production cycle and high costs. Therefore, with the help of numerical simulation methods and typical process experiments, the mechanism of the additive manufacturing process can be elucidated, and then the process can be optimized to reduce the formation defects. The future research of Liu Cao lecturer will focus on the numerical simulation of additive manufacturing processes, especially for metal parts. The representative processes are Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and Electron Beam Selective Melting (EBSM).
(2) OpenFOAM Solver Development
OpenFOAM is an open source simulation platform that covers almost all areas of computational fluid dynamics and is currently the most widely used open source platform for computational fluid dynamics. Researchers can quickly and efficiently develop solvers that meet their needs based on the basic solvers and tools provided by OpenFOAM. During his PhD degree, lecturer Liu Cao conducted an in-depth study of OpenFOAM. Therefore, the research content related to computational fluid dynamics can be developed based on OpenFOAM.
(3) Numerical Simulation and Defects Prediction of Liquid Forming Process
Liquid forming technology is the most representative material processing technology. Defects prediction and process optimization are the ultimate goals of numerical simulation of liquid forming process. During his PHD degree, lecturer Liu Cao deeply studied and discussed all aspects involved in the numerical simulation of liquid forming process, including the multiphase flow mathematical modeling in the liquid forming process, the evolution mechanism and prediction of cold shut defect, the evolution mechanism and prediction of oxide inclusion defect, etc. In the future, lecturer Liu Cao will continue to conduct in-depth research on numerical modeling of forming defects in the liquid forming process.
Major Scientific Research Projects:
(1) 2014.09-2018.03: As the project technical backbone, lecturer Liu Cao was responsible for the self-financing project “Numerical Simulation Research of Casting Filling Process”. The main research contents are: studying related theory and algorithm, using two-phase flow model to calculate the filling process of casting, and putting forward the corresponding criterion model to predict defects of casting filling process (such as misrun, cold lap, oxide inclusion, etc.).
(2) 2016.07-2017.09: As the project technical backbone, lecturer Liu Cao was responsible for the transverse project “CAE Casting Finite Element Simulation Research Center” in cooperation with Luda (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. The main research contents are: conducting theoretical training, production research, software training, establishment of physical property database, and solving practical production problems, and good application results were achieved.
(3) 2013.09-2014.08: As the project technical backbone, lecturer Liu Cao was responsible for the equipment pre-research fund project “Simulation and Defect Controlling of Ultra-Air Cooled Single Crystal Blade during LMC Directional Solidification Process” in cooperation with Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials Research. The main research contents are: numerical simulation of HRS and LMC directional solidification processes, optimizing the relevant processes, and proposing a heat transfer model for the heat exchange between the shell and the liquid metal coolant.
Representative Academic Papers:
(1) Liu Cao, Fei Sun, Tao Chen, Yulong Tang, Dunming Liao. Quantitative prediction of oxide inclusion defects inside the casting and on the walls during cast-filling processes[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 119: 614-623. (SCI)
(2) Liu Cao, Dunming Liao, Yuzhang Lu, Tao Chen. Heat transfer model of directional solidification by LMC process for superalloy casting based on finite element method[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2016, 47(9): 4640-4647. (SCI)
(3) Liu Cao, Dunming Liao, Fei Sun, Tao Chen, Zihao Teng, Yulong Tang. Prediction of gas entrapment defects during zinc alloy high-pressure die casting based on gas-liquid multiphase flow model[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 94(1): 807-815. (SCI)
(4) Liu Cao, Dunming Liao, Fei Sun, Tao Chen. Numerical simulation of cold-lap defects during casting filling process[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-018-2012-z. (SCI)
(5) Dunming Liao, Liu Cao, Tao Chen, Fei Sun, Yongzhen Jia, Zihao Teng, Yulong Tang. Radiation heat transfer model for complex superalloy turbine blade in directional solidification process based on finite element method[J]. China Foundry, 2016, 13(2): 123-132. (SCI)
(6) Liu Cao, Fei Sun, Tao Chen, Zihao Teng, Yulong Tang, Dunming Liao. Numerical Simulation of Liquid-Solid Conversion Affecting Flow Behavior During Casting Filling Process[J]. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2017, 53(11): 1521-1531. (SCI)
(7) Dunming Liao, Liu Cao, Fei Sun, Tao Chen. Research Status and Prospect on Numerical Simulation Technology of Casting Macroscopic Process[J]. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2017, 54(2): 161-173. (SCI)
(8) Liu Cao, Dunming Liao, Cong Zhou, Tao Chen, Shengyong Pang, Jianxin Zhou. Self-development Casting Temprature-field Simulation Software for Multiply Materials Based on Finite Element Method[J]. Special-cast and Non-ferrous Alloys, 2015, 35(11): 1163-1166.
(9) Liu Cao, Dunming Liao, Lamei Cao, Huaipeng Gu, Tao Chen, Shengyong Pang. Temperature-field simulation software self-development of investment casting based on finite element method[J]. Foundry, 2014, 163(12): 1235-1240.
(10) Tao Chen, Yulong Tang, Dunming Liao, Liu Cao, Fei Sun, Zihao Teng, Di Wu. Simulation of casting deformation based on mold surface element method[J]. China Foundry, 2017, 14(1): 28-33. (SCI)
(11) Fei Sun, Dunming Liao, Zhaochuang Zhang, Liu Cao, Jianxin Zhou. Simulation analysis of resin-based composites on temperature and degree of cure fields by thermoforming process considering the influence of temperature distribution inside the autoclave[J]. Materials Research Innovations, 2015, 19(S5): 53-58. (SCI)
(12) Baile Hu, Liu Cao, Fei Sun, Yulong Tang, Dunming Liao. Solution and Application of Inverse Heat Transfer between GKMS60 and Copper Chill in Low Pressure Die Casting Process[J]. Special-cast and Non-ferrous Alloys, 2017, 37(12): 1323-1326.